Monday, October 4, 2010

craven desires: craven mail bag: the accuracy is not hate speech

I would care for you to recognise that all of your data that you write is colored and false. The media loves to target pitbulls because they are the ones most associated as average and aggressive becuase they are caught in dog fighting rings. What you should publish is something like "Pitbulls are American heroes and should be treated as such." Did you recognize that "Petey", the dog from the orgianal Little Rascals, was a American Pitbull Terrier?

Even Helen Keller owned a pitbull! It was widely used as a house pet throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Yes is was eventually bred to fight because people could easily hide dog fighting as apposed to baiting, therefore they are breaking the law. I require you to live that my girl and myself are raising a pitbull/boxer mix and know him to death. My girlfriend's dog (which is a mongrel dog, no specific breed can be pointed out) has caused all but one incidence between himself and the pit mix, and since the pit mix has been neutered, he has calmed down greatly and gets along greatly with other dogs and is wonderful with children. We steer children towards the pit becuase he loves children and the mutt dog doesnt like them and will tear at them. So instead of trying to ruin a stock based on any crap information that you get from the biased media and unlearned people, do some more research and preach more about neutering/spaying dogs, not killings. Below is several links to pitbull information.

PPS; You're section on pitbull owners is very offensive. I go for a home business, am a respectable citizen, involved in the community, and I am responsible with my dogs. And if you ever owned a dog, you get to realize that its the proprietor and not the dog. If the dog has no owner, it makes its own rules. If the dog has an owner, the possessor makes the dogs rules. A dogs behavior won't change but an owner can take preventive measures to hold and incident from happening. Don't leave that there are enough of mass that do cause dog attacks to, namely children that taunt and torment dogs only to be bitten (In my lifetime, I've seen more kids bitten by breed weighing less than 30lbs. as compared to a 0 children bitten by large breeds).

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