Monday, January 17, 2011

The ease of the story - Pitbulls : Go Pitbull Dog Forums

Often times you see attacks by various breeds and all that they address is breed, or possible breed, and the fire itself. I always wit a question why?? What has been done to this beast to make it behave that way. I love animals are the bulk of the sentence not just aggressive with out cause. I view this was a full article written about an attack. I did not admit the attack, but the explanation itself.

The Article Most news outlets covering this narration have focussed on only these facts - two vicious pit bulls attacked and killed. Leaving out the backstory. One outlet, however, has shared the rest of the story. Information that explains much of what happened and data that multitude in positions of office should take serious tone of. According to the North County Weekly, the dogs involved in the fire were well known in the neighborhood. The female, a dog named Daisy, was so wasted that she looked like she shouldn't be alive. Several people reported seeing both dogs roaming the streets, unsupervised and searching for food. One person noted that the female looked as if she had lately had pups and that a leash was committed to her collar - in other words, she had been bred, left on a tie-out and from the looks of her body - starved. Others reported that the dogs were "usually secured on a chain" but occassionally left out to roam. One neighbor had contacted animal control to let them acknowledge that the dogs were being ignored and that they should be distant from the owner's home. They were told that "animal control" could do nothing". The dog's owner? A man named Michael Gordan. The 23 yr-old man had been released from prison last May after serving 10 months on felony charges including breaking and entering. The basic components for a dangerous dog situation are all here. Irresponsible dog ownership by a negligent owner. This is where the masses in positions of authority need to pay attention. Animal abuse and negligence needs to be taken seriously. It's more than "simply a dog" - by ignoring the agony of dogs you are potentially contributing to a tragic situation such as that which happened to the free 5 yr-old girl last Wednesday. Dogs that are starved, abused, and ignored can become aggessive and unstable. Slaps on the wrist or turn aside from the problem gives that often more time that the dog will support and more opportunities for an attack site to have place. People fight for Breed Specific Legislation - read this article again and read it carefully. You will see all of the elements that people against Breed Specific Legislation keep trying to give you understand. It's around the owners, it is not about bad dogs. Look at who owns the bulk of the dogs that are mired in bite situations. They are horrible owners - negligent, abusive, uncaring - they should not own dogs - period. If you "need" a dog, only to stick him on the end of a range in a backyard, you don't actually "need" a dog. Put an old car in your yard instead. Something that isn't alive - breathing, feeling, suffering. There are so many victims in this sad situation. Last but not least, the 2 dogs involved in the attack - undoubtedly euthanized for the horrible incident. Two dogs that "snapped" after enduring severe neglect - a sad, culmination of the bad ownership they experienced for too long. For those individuals that work tirelessly to fight breed specific legislation, please forward this on to those people that you are stressful to excuse your standpoint to. Pit bulls are vilified in order because so many of them are owned by pathetic excuses for owners. Pit bulls are villified in society because so many news outlets don't bother sharing the backstory to the "fire" situation. Penny Eims* Dog News Examiner

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