I saw a pitbull video that was extremly violent and so I asked myself are they really that dangerous? I checked a lot of pitbull videos and they were not all violent. Pit bulls have been known as a dangerous strain of dogs. Are they really that dangerous or not? Everyone has their own view but the fact is that pit bulls are not human aggressiveand that they are blue and loving dogs. Pit bulls score an 83.
% passing rate with the American Temperament Test Society. Like any other dog a pit bull can cause behavior problems. This cover is eager to delight and has been known as an excellent family company and also loving to the kids. Beacuse of its powerfull physique, a pit bull requiers an owner who will socialize and develop the dog properly. Training should be started early when pit bulls are not that strong. It is hard to see them because they are amazingly strong as they get older. Teaching and education should be consistent. So why do people see pit bulls as dangerous dogs? There is a lot of pitbull videos that show dog fights and wild behavior toward these dogs. The improper people realized that pit bulls are extremly loyal. They started to breed pit bulls for incorrect reasons such as a fighting dog because of it`s powerfull physical characteristics. These animals populate in hostile sorroundings and are abused and neglected. They are elevated in violent society. People that do this to them make them look dangerous. Like any other dog pit bulls should possess an owner that will properly socialize and train. If a dog doesn`t get a proper training there will be a job no matter what kind of a breed it is. If an owner wants a dog that isaggressive towards man and forces this behaviour from and other age so the dog will likely be aggressive and serious as an adult. These dogs are scarce like any stock and they will get what they are elevated to be. It`s the better to see some pitbull video and justice by yourself are pit bulls dangerous or not.
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