repeat complete and over in a happy voice a cue word or word that he will later connect with his mill. I use are you make to work?! Once you see that your dog thinks hes the power in his harness its time to act on to step 2 2)You want your dog just as glad to spring up on the machine. He will NOT be glad to spring up on the car when it moves out from below his feet. make sure your mill belt is stationary and STAYS stationary. Make your dog happy to be on the mill, dont start to draw up the harness because often times the new machinery can realize your dog panic because a. it moves under them b. it has walls to finish him in. any panic can set your dog back to square one and they can get hurt in the process! Make it a command, I use hup for my jump command, I give the statement I have a treat immediately with piles of praise. Once hes just as stoked to start on it, as he is to get his rule on you act on to step three 3)Hook your dog up you can use his favorite treat to tempt him to walk forward while telling him a statement like walk (remember keep this happy and up beat), if he starts to panic because the car is rolling try to redirect his attention to you with your happy calm voice showing him the food. Tons and scores of treats will be used until he catches on once hes getting steady and confident with the belt moving you can get louder with your congratulations and advance him to pass more and more. I cannot try it enough, keep this completely positive.Treats used for all training want to be small. Keep in mind, if your dog has the opportunity to chaw it once, hes forgotten what hes being rewarded for. During training I use hotdog slices cut in half or pepperoni minis. "
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